Ватрогасац трубом подиже расположење у Рију са 50 метара /видео, фото/

© AP Photo / Leo CorreaБразилски ватрогасац Елијелсон Силва свира трубу на 50 метара висине
Бразилски ватрогасац Елијелсон Силва свира трубу на 50 метара висине - Sputnik Србија
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Један ватрогасац из Рио де Жанеира пронашао је начин да орасположи своје суграђане у тешким данима изолације ― уздигнут 50 метара у ваздух уз помоћ ватрогасног крана Елијелсон Силва свира трубу...

Труба Елијелсона Силве одјекује ових дана бројним насељима Рио де Жанеира. Овај талентовани музичар, који као ватрогасац ради 18 година, „наступа“ у свом заштитном оделу, уздигнут високо у ваздух ватрогасним краном.

„Пандемија свима тешко пада, а ја се трудим да орасположим становнике Рија у овим тешким временима“, каже Силва, преноси АП.

Овај ватрогасац са 50 метара висине свира песме познате широм Бразила, али посебно оне о Рију.

© AP Photo / Leo CorreaBackdropped by Maracana stadium, firefighter Elielson Silva plays his trumpet from the top of a ladder for residents at home, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. Silva plays tunes known across Brazil, but especially ones composed in and about Rio. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Бразилски ватрогасац Елијелсон Силва свира трубу са 50 метара висине, док се у позадини види стадион Маракана - Sputnik Србија
Backdropped by Maracana stadium, firefighter Elielson Silva plays his trumpet from the top of a ladder for residents at home, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. Silva plays tunes known across Brazil, but especially ones composed in and about Rio. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
© AP Photo / Leo CorreaFirefighter Elielson Silva arrives to play his trumpet from the top of a ladder for residents cooped up at home, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. On Sunday, he played in three separate neighborhoods, always sporting his heavy, fire-resistant jacket and fire helmet despite temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Бразилски ватрогасац Елијелсон Силва са трубом - Sputnik Србија
Firefighter Elielson Silva arrives to play his trumpet from the top of a ladder for residents cooped up at home, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. On Sunday, he played in three separate neighborhoods, always sporting his heavy, fire-resistant jacket and fire helmet despite temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
© AP Photo / Leo CorreaFirefighter Elielson Silva gestures to residents on their balconies as he plays his trumpet from the top of a ladder, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. “Everyone is suffering the pandemic and I’m trying to the boost the morale of Rio’s population, so all this difficulty is lessened in these times we’re going through,” says Silva, an 18-year veteran of the city's firefighting corps. “Bringing a bit of music, a bit of air, to these people has meant a lot to me as a musician and to the corps.” (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Бразилски ватрогасац Елијелсон Силва са трубом и у пуној опреми у корпи ватрогасног крана. Становници бројних насеља Рио де Жанеира имали су прилику да слушају овог талентованог музичара са својих прозора и балкона. - Sputnik Србија
Firefighter Elielson Silva gestures to residents on their balconies as he plays his trumpet from the top of a ladder, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. “Everyone is suffering the pandemic and I’m trying to the boost the morale of Rio’s population, so all this difficulty is lessened in these times we’re going through,” says Silva, an 18-year veteran of the city's firefighting corps. “Bringing a bit of music, a bit of air, to these people has meant a lot to me as a musician and to the corps.” (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Backdropped by Maracana stadium, firefighter Elielson Silva plays his trumpet from the top of a ladder for residents at home, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. Silva plays tunes known across Brazil, but especially ones composed in and about Rio. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Firefighter Elielson Silva arrives to play his trumpet from the top of a ladder for residents cooped up at home, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. On Sunday, he played in three separate neighborhoods, always sporting his heavy, fire-resistant jacket and fire helmet despite temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit. (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
Firefighter Elielson Silva gestures to residents on their balconies as he plays his trumpet from the top of a ladder, during a lockdown to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, April 5, 2020. “Everyone is suffering the pandemic and I’m trying to the boost the morale of Rio’s population, so all this difficulty is lessened in these times we’re going through,” says Silva, an 18-year veteran of the city's firefighting corps. “Bringing a bit of music, a bit of air, to these people has meant a lot to me as a musician and to the corps.” (AP Photo/Leo Correa)
„Чињеница да могу да унесем мало музике, мало ваздуха у животе ових људи, значи много мени као музичару, али и целој ватрогасној бригади“, објашњава Силва своју мотивацију.

Ватрогасци су од самог почетка борбе Бразила против пандемије ангажовани на подизању свести о потреби изолације.

У Бразилу је од 20. марта на снази ванредно стање због пандемије вируса корона. У највећој јужноамеричкој држави забележено је више од 14 хиљада оболелих од ковида 19 и 688 смртних случајева. Жаришта епидемије су управо два највећа града ― Рио де Жанеиро и Сао Пауло.

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